Wednesday, May 19, 2010

new things.. been busy...

been trying to get other things ready around this place and really not much is doing anything beside just growing. salvias are just growing larger and larger. not blooming how ever!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

flowers flowers!!!

some close up shots of whats blooming around the yard. click one for a larger picture!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hola friends!!

well this flower showed up in our hanging baskets from the seeds we started. native wildflower mix. on a side note the cistus i took a photo of yesterday is allready destroyed but something that ate it overnight.. bummer

also following this as it blooms..

Monday, May 10, 2010

i mean its may 10th.

wishing the salvias were blooming.. a tiny look around the yard and one great picture of a Cistus crispus. didnt even think this would bloom this years because of events that got it into my yard.

Friday, May 7, 2010

happy bloom friday!!!

a few new things. kangaroo paw has opened up. salvias are stretching and getting ready to flower. new things going on in the flower baskets too! have a great weekend and check back monday for more amazing flowers!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

wishing more was happening but ill take what i get!!

salvia apiana

lupine bush smothering my echium wildprettii

flower in my native wildflower baskets

trailing verbena

begonia freddie blooming..

Monday, May 3, 2010

some pics.

pincushion flower

still waiting for this to open up

native california wildflowers in our baskets!

one more about to bloom!