Wednesday, March 17, 2010

our walk around daley ranch in escondido

wild hyacinth


monkey flowers ive got the same type in my yard!


not really sure what this is. some sort of bulb that i believe to be poisonous.


salvia ??

local lilac!!


  1. Top image is wild-hyacinth (aka blue dicks, Dichelostemma pulchellum); 2nd is a Mirabilis (four-o'clock family); next the monkeyflower; then you have coffeeberry (used to be Rhamnus, now Frangula); then a zygadene, Zigadenus, possibly Z. fremontii, which do have poisonous bulbs or corms; then a fiddleneck (Amsinckia sp.); next looks like Salvia to me, too; pond; then a Ceanothus, could be C. thyrsiflorus if this species gets that far south; generically known as California-lilac or wild-lilac, or just as often as ceanothus, a better name since they are unrelated to lilacs.

  2. well thanks for the info. im trying to learn as much as i can and put it back into my blog!
