Thursday, February 17, 2011

Solar Hot Water heater..

not really garden related but its green and im all happy with the install. local company called Sonenergy in escondido did the work. you can see the new tank and controls and pumps. even a timer on the element on the hot water heater so its not heating water all night while were asleep.. love it

and in this photo they remounted my very ancient solar panel that didnt work to begin with and rebuilt the insides. put it on standoffs and flashed it so it was properly done. the old way was mounted on 2x4's screwed right into the roof. no way to roof or let water flow under neath it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

wow oh wow.. havent been here in a bit... BUT!!! Garden 2.0!!

old garden being dug up and saved for people... needed something other then green..

new plan.. much lower and cleaner. things will grow and i know that but ive got plenty of flowers now for all the wildlife. looking to add some sand and a few rocks to make a tiny dry river bedish... lol its only 3 feet..
another view.